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May 27, 2024

A Dish Served Cold

By Rp Verlaine

A Dish Served Cold

Again she does
the things I once
found cute
at a party
for friends. We
still share at a distance
close enough to register
wounds deep and unkind.

Her smile that shifts
by degrees to look
at me with a sweet sweetness
She could be a cat burglar
with knives for claws
slicing your heart.

A push up bra is an evil
trick but she wears it
To ready effect with
A blouse wide open
as if she was the star
of an orgy.

I can't help but stare.

Her tongue licking the
knife while eating cake
is an old move
but she does it
far slower than before.
by the end of the dinner
every man has an erect lion
and several her phone number
while all the women, even her
best friend want to kill her.

She kisses me on cheek
bites it slightly
A final turn on as I
get up to leave.
I hate you she whispers
I know I say as I head
for the door.

Article © Rp Verlaine. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-01-15
Image(s) are public domain.
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