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February 10, 2025

Articles by Writer Gypsy

[Unknown] [Nonfiction] [Opinion] [Short]


Yes, Virginia, You Can Afford a Road Trip (2004-06-26)

Cover story

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Quirky Memphis 01 (2004-07-03) nonfiction travel

The Peabody Ducks. Four mallard hens and one mallard drake receive red carpet treatment twice a day as part of a 70 year old tradition of the Peabody Hotel. Eccentric? Oh, yes. But that's Memphis for you.

Quirky Memphis 02 (2004-09-25) nonfiction travel

Elmwood Cemetery. Buried among warehouses and railroad cars of Memphis, Elmwood is the oldest active cemetery in Memphis. Its unusual markers tell tales that are both history lessons and creative trysts.

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GGGL: Follow the money (2004-08-14) op_ed

Welcome to Gypsy's Guide to Good Living, a column devoted to some of the more practical aspects of being alive. This week, controlling your spending can be easier than you think.

GGGL: Unconventional Courtship (2004-08-21) op_ed

Gypsy's Guide to Good Living: My dream partner was described as "a little husky, loves to fish, wants someone to spoil and be spoiled by." Yes. I answered a personal ad.

GGGL: Plan to Change Your Life 01 (2004-08-28) op_ed

Gypsy's Guide to Good Living: Setting yourself up for success isn't as difficult as you would think. In fact, it's a matter of executing three easy steps, then monitoring your progress. Part I of II.

GGGL: Plan to Change Your Life 02 (2004-09-04) op_ed

Today, as you read this, you should have your lists in hand and know where you intend to begin making changes in your life. You're ready for steps two and three. Part II of II.

GGGL: When I was Your Age (2004-09-11) op_ed

Gypsy's Guide to Good Living When I was Your Age: My Daughter and Myself. The teen years are the most challenging since the "terrible two's", and teens today live in a different world than the one their parents grew up in. Despite that, there's plenty of room for common ground.

GGGL: Create Your Own Retreat (2004-10-02) op_ed

Gypsy's Guide to Good Living. Have you ever longed for an oasis in your own home? With a little bit of creativity and frugality, you can create an oasis in your own home for less than $50.00.

GGGL: NaNo survival -- Feeding the troops (2004-10-09) op_ed

Gypsy's Guide to Good Living: How to make sure everyone eats when you're busy writing 50k words in 30 days for National Novel Writing Month.

GGGL: NaNo Survival -- Family harmony how-to (2004-10-16) op_ed

So you've decided to participate in NaNoWriMo and write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days! But as nice as it may sound, the odds of wrangling a month of no housework, no day job, no school and no interruptions is not part of the package. So how will you get it all done?

GGGL: NaNo Survial -- Research That Novel (2004-10-23) op_ed

Gypsy's Guide to Good Living: A final word of advice on the upcoming National Novel Writing Month. A few tips on researching help you get the information you need from the internet quickly, without losing valuable time surfing.

GGGL: Container Gardening for the Space Challenged (2004-10-30) op_ed

Do you dream of fresh vegetables but have nowhere to grow them? No need to sneak into the neighbor's yard, simply follow these steps to create a container garden that will fit anywhere.

GGGL: What Can You Can? (2004-11-06) op_ed

Canning fruits and vegetables used to be a common practice. Is it still practical? Take a look at some of the pros and cons. After all, what other household task can you do just once or twice year and still reap the rewards all year long?

GGGL: Growing Up Cajun (2005-04-10) op_ed food family

Gypsy's Guide to Good Living This authentic recipe for Gumbo contains more than just roux and onion; it also contains several parts tradition and a generous helping of family memories. First appeared 2004-09-18

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Runaway (2004-10-02) short

A "Write Fiction Like Cheryl" runner-up. Gangs, drugs, slipping grades, arguments -- being a single mother has enough worries without your teen-aged son disappearing.

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