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February 10, 2025

Articles by Patti Santucci

[Poem] [Short]


Hard Monica (2017-05-29) poem unrhymed

"...I am completely yours..."

Eclipsed (2017-08-21) poem unrhymed

"...She swallows bitter in her coffee that he never could taste..."

Seeing Past the Numbers (2018-11-19) poem unrhymed

Read them carefully: it's all too easy to say "It's too hard to see them as real."

Swan Song (2019-04-22) poem rhymed

"...I'm not the fly that annoys, nor the yellowed, shunned Polaroid..."

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Choice Decisions (2017-08-14) cover story fiction relationships love death

Patti Santucci holds an AA degree and has been published in "RePlay Magazine," "American River Review" and "Literally Stories." She recently won first place in Community College Humanities Association (Pacific Northwest Division) for her creative non-fiction work. She lives in California with one cat, one dog and one husband.

Confessor of Two Evils (2017-11-13) cover story short fiction horror

Are your shivering movements heard? Your breath? Your pounding heart?

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