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February 10, 2025

Articles by Blanche Nonken

[Opinion] [Nonfiction] [Poem] [Essay]


Learning to Bake (2005-01-30) cover story, food, opinion

(In which an essay shows the path from feeble attempts at baking to descent into madness and love of an entire foodcraft form; including a recipe and some tips.) Making bread at home, making bread professionally, bread makers in Star Trek, bread makers in states of extreme sleep deprivation... it's all here. Everything your grandmother didn't dare to tell you about the art of baking bread. Along with a few helpful professional hints on breads, scones, muffins, sticky buns, and driving on the freeway while suffering hallucinations.

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Failure Bites (2006-01-02) cover story nonfiction essay philosophy

No sore muscle hurts as much as that Failure does. But what if success becomes the whole point of your actions? Can you only see who you are in the mirror of failure or success?

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Mariel (2006-03-13) poem haiku series

cha no yu (2007-02-12) poem unrhymed

Striking Distance (2007-03-26) poem unrhymed

Unfettered (2008-04-28) poem unrhymed

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Poetry (2007-04-09) nonficiton essay

If we can live each moment as a poem needing only to be written, then beauty will always be with us.

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