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July 22, 2024

Articles by Christine Miskonoodinkwe Smith

[Opinion] [Essay] [Short] [Poem]


A First Nations Perspective (2014-01-27) essay First Nations

Christine Smith(McFarlane) writes about issues that will hopefully bring about awareness of what is happening with Canadian First Nations.

A First Nations Perspective 8 (2014-08-25) essay column First Nations

Cultural appropriation is the re-purposing of a concept from another cultural background -- often taken out of context.

Racism and Discrimination Within the Use of Status Cards (2014-09-29) essay First Nations

Who has to prove their genetic identity?

A First Nations Perspective 9 (2014-11-03) essay First Nations

A disproportionate number of Aboriginal women are missing or murdered. Isn't it time to find out why?

A First Nations Perspective 13 (2015-02-23) book review "Kwe: Standing with Our Sisters"

Returning to the grave subject of Missing and Murdered First Nation women, the book "Kwe: Standing with Our Sisters" is a compilation by dozens of acclaimed writers and artists.

A First Nations Perspective 15 (2015-05-18) essay column First Nations

The impact of national policy on education for aboriginal peoples.

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A First Nations Perspective 2 (2014-02-24) essay column First Nations

"When Worldviews Collide." A look at the way First Nation peoples view their history and their origins.

A First Nations Perspective 3 (2014-03-31) essay column First Nations

Exploration in the New World by European nations was catastrophic for the indigenous peoples.

A First Nations Perspective 4 (2014-04-28) essay column First Nations

An examination of the basics of treaties between First Nations and the Crown.

A First Nations Perspective 5 (2014-05-26) essay column First Nations

A look at a government's attempt to change the culture of First Nations peoples by assimilation.

A First Nations Perspective 6 (2014-06-23) essay column First Nations

The mass adoption of First Nation children during the 1960s became known as the "Sixties Scoop" -- everyone needs to know about this and prevent it from happening ever again.

A First Nations Perspective 7 (2014-07-28) essay column First Nations

Stereotypes and misconceptions abound about First Nations peoples -- it's time to bring them to a halt.

A First Nations Perspective 10 (2014-12-08) essay column First Nations

Reflections on caring for yourself through the Medicine Wheel.

A First Nations Perspective 11 (2014-12-29) essay column First Nations

Aging Out of the Foster Care System: a story of trauma.

A First Nations Perspective 12 (2015-02-02) book review "They Came for the Children"

An examination of the historical document "They Came for the Children" produced by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada in regards to the purpose and effects of the Residential School system.

A First Nations Perspective 14 (2015-04-06) essay column First Nations

What is science, and who defines it? Does the definer define the definition?

A First Nations Perspective 16 (2015-12-21) essay column First Nations

It is time to recognize the devastating effects of colonial policies on First Nations peoples. Especially for the children, especially for the future.

A First Nations Perspective 17 (2016-03-21) essay column First Nations memoir

A First Nations Perspective 18: Kokum (2016-08-01) essay column First Nations fiction

A short piece of fiction that hits very close to home for First Nations people...

Is This Goodbye Again? (2018-02-26) cover story essay first nations family

A childhood tragedy, a lost family...and a time of reunion all too short...

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My Sister is Missing, Does Anybody Care? (2014-05-05) cover story fiction First Nations missing persons

Author's note: In Canada, rates of violent crime are relatively low; murders and abductions generate significant media attention and mobilize impressive deployments of law enforcement agencies. However, the lack of inquiry into the disappearance of over 500 First Nations women remains a contentious issue between First Nations people and the Canadian government.

Memories of Things Left Unsaid (2014-11-10) fiction ghost dream love

Do the dead know what we think of them?

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Skin Color (2014-09-22) poem unrhymed

Well worth keeping in mind...

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