Articles by Peter Barbour
Things Can Always Get Worse
(2018-01-29) cover story fiction horror
Peter Barbour grew up in Philadelphia, PA. He is an avid fisherman, bicyclist, and canoer. His hobbies include drawing and carving wood. He is a retired physician, who practiced Neurology in Allentown, PA, where he still resides. He is married and has three children, and four grandchildren. He has always loved telling stories.
The Fate of Dickie Paponovitch
(2018-11-19) cover story fiction horror death
The darkness of the woods, the darkness of the night -- but nothing swallows the light like the darkness of evil souls...
Luke and Duke
(2019-03-25) cover story fiction humor
If you can't get out to see the wild, should you bring the wild in to see you?
Guardian of the Well
(2019-08-26) fiction horror
His mother had told him long ago not to talk to strangers...
(2020-01-20) cover story fiction life
Just once, can't we ignore stupid posturing instead of escalating into violence?
A Sharp Edge
(2022-04-04) cover story fiction conflict
As one gets older, what may once have been silliness can devolve into serious mistakes...
Unsolicited Advice
(2022-12-12) fiction
Is it really worth having to learn the hard way?
Heaven’s Devils: Saturday Night, 1965
(2024-06-17) fiction
A plague is never welcome...
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