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September 16, 2024

Skirmishes 07

By Livia Vorange

Skirmishes - brief battles of art, poetry and prose. -

Fox fox fox fox
Forget what he says,
We don't care how he talks.

We care how he dresses
(those fur coats, those socks!)
We care who he's dating
(how big's the ring's rock?)
What music inspires him?
(new kids on the block!)
Who's his favorite team
(seattle seahawks!)
What's his favorite riddle?
(schroedinger's box
because -- see it coming? --
it's a paradox!)
His favorite snack food!
(bagel and lox!)
His favorite kids toy!
(alphabet blocks!)
His favorite ears!
(star trek's mr. spock's!)
Engineering feat most admired?
(the panamanian locks!) Fox fox fox fox
Forget what he says
We don't care how he talks.

(And surely by now, you've seen What Does the Fox Say because actually, we really very madly do care.)

Article © Livia Vorange. All rights reserved.
Published on 2013-12-16
Image(s) © Livia Vorange. All rights reserved.
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