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January 20, 2025

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

By Frank De Canio

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

(as per Benjamin Franklin in 1787)

Please give me an electorate who toasts
a constitution like the paper one
that my America so proudly boasts
before the world. For when beneath the gun
it’s hard to be so circumscribed by law.
Yet, those who took the oath affirming it,
would rather than enforcing it, guffaw
when seeing hapless victims chomp the bit,
in lieu of taking laws in their own hands.
Give me an electorate who fights for right
that serves as proof against a rogue’s demands
instead of basking in another’s might,
despite the liberties that they enjoy.
Or else, far worse than thugs who prove the rule
of law, they’ll yield it to the hoi polloi
who once in charge will take us all to school.
For when bluster’s mightier than the pen,
I doubt we’ll stand in winds thus blowing then?

Article © Frank De Canio. All rights reserved.
Published on 2023-11-27
Image(s) are public domain.
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