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July 22, 2024

Just 21

By Lydia Manx

Small boned, wisp of a girl
Barely a woman
Small town born, yet city alive
Crisp autumn colors swirl
Amidst the dancing steps
She briefly touched our lives

Laughter and stories spilled
From her bow shaped lips
Her worldview limited
Only by money and time
Embracing all life had to offer
She created a space for her soul

Music could be heard
Spilling around her heart
Blazoned on her clothes
Bites and sips of her tastes
Shown for us to see easily
Smashing through it all

A shadow cast one night
Erased this gentle spirit
Lost from our world
She is gone-but not forgotten
Hearts touched, smiles given
Freely by Nicole.

Nicole Vietengruber
7/8/80 -- 7/2001

Article © Lydia Manx. All rights reserved.
Published on 2004-10-30
1 Reader Comments
02:02:54 PM
I miss you Nicole so much.
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