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July 22, 2024

When I Die

By Peter Kaczmarczyk

When I Die

When I die don’t you dare
Put my name on a sticker
In Memory Of
Splashed across your car window
To be read by strangers
As they idle behind you stuck in traffic
A captive audience to that
And all the other tacky signs
You have chosen to display
Baby on board or your stick figure family
I probably didn’t like any of them
And certainly not
My other car is a Tardis
Or the feel good slogan
Of your politician of the day
Even if you have a graphic
For the Grateful Dead
Hair made up of roses
Or lightning through its head
While that might be a good joke to play
I don’t want to be remembered that way
When I die please just take my ashes
And scatter them in the wind
Put some out to sea
And keep a few apart to be stashed
In the deepest corner of your heart

Article © Peter Kaczmarczyk. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-02-05
Image(s) are public domain.
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