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July 22, 2024

Rain, Rain Go Away.

By Alexandra Queen

Rain, rain, go away
My toddler needs to get out and play.
The cat's outside and now wants in
My daughter's raising a terrible din.
Her "inside voice" is amped too loud
It's like these walls contain a crowd.
The dogs are snappy, my ass is red,
My husband's hiding from us all in bed.
The cat must shit, the child must shout,
The kid-cat-dogs must all go out.
Trapped inside by chill and mud,
Their fidgety noise makes my head thud.

It's such a dreary, cloudy pain
To be stuck inside because of rain.

Originally published on 2005-01-10

Article © Alexandra Queen. All rights reserved.
Published on 2014-04-14
Image(s) are public domain.
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