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July 22, 2024

I am Disappointed, I Want to Leave

By Hossein Hakim

I am Disappointed, I Want to Leave

The stars are hiding behind the clouds of shame
and on my balcony, I sit, my eyes filled with tears

One year ago, I arrived in this land with so much hope
to find the love missing in my life

Today, I want to leave the emptiness of love in this land
long forgotten by the Gods

A land where love starting from emptiness remains
in the dark shadow of emptiness

A land where opportunities are so easily overwhelmed by
the fervor of a meaningless reggaeton song!

A land where children are forgotten by the excitement of
an erotic dance in the dark corner of a discotheque

I am leaving for Buenos Aires tomorrow, to dance tango
where sensuality and love are embraced by the Gods

Where the passion of Argentine Tango makes the women
close their eyes and feel love in dancing in close embrace

Article © Hossein Hakim. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-02-12
Image(s) are public domain.
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