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July 22, 2024


By Kimutai Kemboi Allan


I faithfully stand
On the courage of my forefathers
The sacrifices of my kin
A solid rock to put my feet on
Tiptoeing towards the shores of success.
Dust to dust they said it shall be
When I am back to dust
I hope to solidify into a rock
My scions will stand upon me
And catch sight of glory!

Article © Kimutai Kemboi Allan. All rights reserved.
Published on 2023-12-18
Image(s) are public domain.
1 Reader Comments
Hossein Hakim
10:47:30 AM

Hi Kibutai,

Habari Yako,

I will be travelling to Africa in Spring of 2024. I am interested to meet you when I visit Nairobi.

Hossein Hakim,

Florida, USA
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