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January 20, 2025

What Ties the Two Arts

By Ndaba Sibanda

What Ties the Two Arts

Someday dear and near, I’ll name the twosome,
and that day, my attitude will reach an altitude
where the amplitude of spirits will tap in a concert
and a wild world of wholesome melodies and words.
There is a symmetry that taunts a cemetery of ennui.

People perform and are preoccupied with them.
What binds the two also distinguishes them
from other cultural artifacts like portraits.
Both have a flair for arousing a profundity
of emotions, feelings, notions and thoughts.
At their core there is a commonality, an image,
a community of consumers, of eyes and ears,
a sanctuary for cultures, leisure and theatre.

The two art forms enable artists to spin yarns,
to invoke and simulate the social world or sites.
Both arts are of an aural and temporal nature.
If one sways through sound, the other reigns
by way a symphony of words and inferences.

There is a concert, a choreography of language
as if it were an absolute rhapsody and comedy.
Someday dear and near, I’ll ask music and word
to rave and fortify each other, to tell a tale of life.

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2023-11-06
Image(s) are public domain.
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