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July 22, 2024


By Pranab Ghosh


I do long for the lost touch and I dream
I pine for that touch of your eye ... a dream

The flowing river, the breeze, the scent
Of your body, your blood, your soul ... a dream

I bathe in your soul ... drift in the void
I take a plunge within me ... and dream

And as I sink, lose myself, I crave
For a touch, a rescue mission ... a dream

I do not know where you are, your abode
I don't want to know that too ... a dream

You, you and you promised ... I know that too
I know that ... you'll come ... true will be the dream

The passage of river, breeze, the time ...
I go on building the bridge ... a dream

Brick by brick, made of my soul
The first brick you step on ... my dream

It's made of my heart with life if its own
Fear not, hesitate not, get going ... the dream

And you walk along, cementing the souls
It'll be ... it'll be ... birth of our dream

Stillborn it will be not, that I assure
For Adam knows it too, isn't that the dream?

Article © Pranab Ghosh. All rights reserved.
Published on 2023-12-25
Image(s) are public domain.
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