Mired in Mental and Colonial Captivity

One hundred and twenty thousand pounds,
I hear will be wasted on judges’ colonial wigs.
One hundred and twenty thousand pounds
blown on what? On costly colonial headgears.
Will the purchase of the pricey wigs boost access
to justice or legal services for the ordinary citizens?
Is someone somewhere in Harare reeling from
a spendthrift drunkenness or colonial hangover?
A superfluous and ridiculous outlay by any measure
in a country where public hospitals lack essentials.
An observation of a tradition that persists to pay
palms to colonialism and perpetuate pauperization.
The importing of legal wigs from the United Kingdom
has been criticized before as a lavish colonial hang-up.
I hear will be wasted on judges’ colonial wigs.
One hundred and twenty thousand pounds
blown on what? On costly colonial headgears.
Will the purchase of the pricey wigs boost access
to justice or legal services for the ordinary citizens?
Is someone somewhere in Harare reeling from
a spendthrift drunkenness or colonial hangover?
A superfluous and ridiculous outlay by any measure
in a country where public hospitals lack essentials.
An observation of a tradition that persists to pay
palms to colonialism and perpetuate pauperization.
The importing of legal wigs from the United Kingdom
has been criticized before as a lavish colonial hang-up.
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