Cheap Ways to Feel Young Again

Maybe I haven't lived enough to write
about getting old,
so death for me is a cartoon
mouse hole in the wall
that I pretend is a shadow
I can scare away with a dusty lamp,
and my wrinkles are counterfeit
money used to buy experiences
like all inclusive vacations,
a car on monthly payments,
a $10 steak on paydays,
blue chip stocks peaking on Wednesdays,
an alarm clock with numbers red
as a “Closed” sign,
while a broken ATM machine lets lineups
at the bank feel fashionable again.
about getting old,
so death for me is a cartoon
mouse hole in the wall
that I pretend is a shadow
I can scare away with a dusty lamp,
and my wrinkles are counterfeit
money used to buy experiences
like all inclusive vacations,
a car on monthly payments,
a $10 steak on paydays,
blue chip stocks peaking on Wednesdays,
an alarm clock with numbers red
as a “Closed” sign,
while a broken ATM machine lets lineups
at the bank feel fashionable again.
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