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January 13, 2025

A Sugar Fallacy Perpetuated By Bitterness and Bigotry

By Ndaba Sibanda

A Sugar Fallacy Perpetuated By Bitterness and Bigotry

Convicted, they penned them and for humanity:
poems, proverbs and stories, short and sharp—
that were rare, riotous, relevant, irreverent, probing,
compelling, creative, uncompromising and fearless.

Their bravery and brevity jarred readers out
of slumber and political pollutions and follies
that dismally sought to link gallant King Lobengula
with a mythical sugar deal, a tired mgodoyi narrative
and lie peddled by colonialists and gukurahundists.

The diverse readers were dared
into being discerning, diligent, intelligent,
selfless, self-reflective, empathic, perceptive,
assertive, positive, heartfelt, humble and honest;
they were roused to detect fallacy from facts,
to espouse maxims of self-love and self- esteem.

They wrote stout stanzas and stories
about values, victims and shameless villains
that let the readers and specialists appreciate
and identify a people’s trajectories, victories,
history, heritage, battles, pains, plight and prayers.

Their works motivated readers to reflect
on their lives, values, friends, fiends and frailties,
they lamented conflicts and wars, spite and bigotry,
those tales were a bold mirror held up to our present life.

ZimDaily recycling a discredited historical myth

In Ndebele and Zulu languages, mgodoyi refers to an overly thin, miserable and malnourished stray dog. It can be used figuratively to express one’s disgust over an acute lack of humanity.

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-01-01
Image(s) © Alexandra Queen. All rights reserved.
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