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July 22, 2024

May The Zeal To Stick To Them Live And Thrive

By Ndaba Sibanda

May The Zeal To Stick To Them Live And Thrive

It’s that time again when lots and loads
of ideas on social media and elsewhere
will probably center on this year in review
and the resolutions for the upcoming year.

Let’s start with a cursory look at the year
in retrospect, it has not been an easy one
for several people and reasons -- wars, worries,
wildfires, hot temps and climate qualms etc.

If one has nothing to rejoice about this year --
be it on an individual or global level, that is fine,
too. Why not celebrate the gift of life? It’s priceless.
We forget that getting through the year is a blessing.

People tend to make new year resolutions so that they
have continual hope and trust in their lordly intents. It’s the
in-thing. They go with the flow, fill up their diaries with them.
Purpose. Priorities. Upholding these lofty goals is another story!

Have a Happy, Harmless, Healthy and Wealthy New Year. Be kind!

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-01-15
Image(s) are public domain.
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