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February 10, 2025

Wouldn't It Be Nice To Listen To Nature?

By Ndaba Sibanda

Wouldn't It Be Nice To Listen To Nature?

It's a natural phenomenon, a marvel,
Landscape, a world that's real and earful.

Think of plants, animals and other
features of the earth as our mother!

It's a fact that's observed to exist,
Its cause is in question, I persist.

It's your moral obligation and right,
planet says please put up a good fight

for me, for your posterity, health and safety.
Nature pleads for action, she adores her beauty.

Is it not innate or in our nature to love ourselves?
For to care for nature is to love and protect ourselves.

It's your duty to fight a good fight for a healthier future.
For a cleaner tomorrow is what the heart should prefer.

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-01-22
Image(s) are public domain.
1 Reader Comments
11:33:39 AM
Listening to nature talk would be the saddest use of our ears , as if we heard what it felt because of our actions we would still continue to be ignorant and careless as we are.
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