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February 17, 2025

Indelible Camaraderie

By Afra Ahmad

Indelible Camaraderie

As I drag the plate, grab the fork to begin devouring joy
A kaleidoscope of pastel colours, mild fragrances, wild laughter vaults in my mind

Always wondered why I relished the one concocted by you
No conclusion drawn -- five years of staying apart from you

Methinks it wasn't because identical was the size of the herbs diced
Or the tempting cheese that flooded the ligneous vessel

It speaks of a felicific tale of undiluted devotion of the warm hands
Of the thoughtful one who would prepare just to lull my bleary sobs

A satiating snack for the world, so much more for me
Italian pasta is a concrete symbol of our indelible camaraderie

Forever reminding of the tumultuous decade we've spent sitting beside each other
Oft times in balmy silence, love unduly strong to need a sliver of utterance!

Article © Afra Ahmad. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-04-01
Image(s) are public domain.
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