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February 03, 2025

Freedom's Not Free

By Frank De Canio

Freedom’s Not Free

It banks upon a contract that’s observed
by everyone deemed members of the club.
And all of them are hopefully well-served
a healthy, legally propitious grub.
For after all we’ve paid our union’s dues
with more than paper money that’s been spent
for comforting amenities like shoes,
the bedding that enhances sleep and rent.
As such, we’re buttressed by our social peers
with well-knit promises we’re dished the best
without the fear of ending in arrears,
while those we have embroidered stay well-dressed.
If not, I’ve every reason to complain
that my expenditures went down the drain.

Some of my electorate betrayed me.
Yet, not for my commission of a crime,
but just because savvy foes arrayed me
with slanders that determined I do time.
I’m extra-legally constrained in jail
whose bars consist of social sanctioned threats
from which there’s little hope of posting bail.
For since some of our citizens abet
the sentence that I got, there’s no appeal
to constitutionally sanctioned laws
that give the worst of cons a better deal.
For streetwise slurs are an enabling clause
that doesn’t need the state’s imprimatur
to make sure that a verdict is de jure.

These scarcely undermine their civil rights.
And after all their children bank on them
to keep them safe from arbitrary slights.
Forget that many noxious ones may stem
from just those seeds thus cavalierly sown
by those perversely planting poison oak
until their shrubs have been unwisely blown
across the very landscape that we stoke
our hopes upon. In time a different breed
of plant emerges that is not as sweet,
but still is more tenacious than a weed
in helping go to seed what once was wheat.
Worse, planters with more self-enhancing schemes
might put an end to once propitious dreams.

First appeared in Dissident Voice

Article © Frank De Canio. All rights reserved.
Published on 2025-01-13
Image(s) are public domain.
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