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February 10, 2025


By Donna Dallas


She strokes the snake plant’s stalks
with such a fervor
Is this real???
she asks as she stares through the plant
into the crowd
not interested in the snake plant at all
It’s as real as you’ll ever get baby
though nothing’s ever wanted her
in the way she envisioned
yet she still forces men
to want her
bullies them into the bed
thrusts herself onto them in hot desperation
almost breaks their frame with her full force
they cower in fear
like they know
Pandora’s box
ain’t worth their energy
they can smell it

We watch as she strokes
and stares
through the plant
over the horizon of the bar
scans the misfits
falcon eyes spot one that could fit her
the men at our table have all had her
and she them
with splintering lust

They sit quietly
cradle a Hendrickson on ice
with thin cucumber slices
anticipate her moves
as she segues to the bar
webs around a forlorn wrapping of bar men
all of them beaten
red faced
a ‘who’d have you’ brigade
jaws drop as she
unleashes her dragon
yanks out some poor sap
constricts her legs around his body

After he will quietly worm along her bedroom floor
pick his clothes up and cower away
later that week
same table
same snake plant camouflage

Article © Donna Dallas. All rights reserved.
Published on 2025-01-13
Image(s) are public domain.
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