Just Another Story

The once home was now
A mere skeleton
A carcass
Staring empty
Raw and ugly
Without colour or fragrance
Or respect…
Once a newly wedded
Had walked its threshold
Built lives with smiles and sighs
An octogenarian had once
Met her end with relief
Knowing the cycle of life
Would persist thereafter
Her children
Succeeded and failed
Like all other mortals
And then departed
To deconstruct…
To continue lives elsewhere
The bricks and cracks
Adorn the old home
As lines and wrinkles
In the seasoned
Today’s mundane
Is tomorrow’s nostalgia
Alive only in stories…
A mere skeleton
A carcass
Staring empty
Raw and ugly
Without colour or fragrance
Or respect…
Once a newly wedded
Had walked its threshold
Built lives with smiles and sighs
An octogenarian had once
Met her end with relief
Knowing the cycle of life
Would persist thereafter
Her children
Succeeded and failed
Like all other mortals
And then departed
To deconstruct…
To continue lives elsewhere
The bricks and cracks
Adorn the old home
As lines and wrinkles
In the seasoned
Today’s mundane
Is tomorrow’s nostalgia
Alive only in stories…
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