An Attempt at Committing a Coup Against the Constitution

The fact that there is an acute lack of medical supplies, basic equipment and manpower in public health institutions— not to mention alarming unemployment, crime and poverty levels, industrial paralysis, pathetically potholed main roads is evidence enough that there is a chronic maintenance syndrome that stems from an age-old notorious and noxious leadership crisis.
Zimbabwe's constitution firmly specifies that every citizen and permanent resident has a right to access basic healthcare and reproductive healthcare services. Are these accessible? Is electricity available? Health and power blackouts can retort!
Zimbabwe's so-called leadership is notorious for greed, bungling, brutality, gallivanting and promoting health tourism. They ace 'isms' like tokenism, narcissism and regionalism, too.
They create health and road deathtraps for the ordinary citizens, knowing very well they can always fly out as parasitic elitists and health tourists when they fall sick.
This is how insensitive the ruining party leaders are, and no sane person wouldn't wish they could be stopped in their tracks. Don't these constitutional provisions make it mandatory for the government to provide this basic right to the ordinary citizens?
This nightmarish regime has failed grimly. Ruthless, conscienceless and clueless, it needed to be rested, a long, long time ago. It's nothing else but a deception and a clear and cruel continuation of the dehumanization of the citizens, as opposed to a "new" dispensation or dawn. It has nothing to do with the generality of the citizens, and everything with the enrichment and protection of criminal individuals and cohorts.
Citizens are hurt, helpless, distressed and dejected on a daily basis. Several of them are in the diaspora, in neighboring countries, seeking a better a life, trying to eke out a living under trying and dire conditions.
Patriotic, they have been compelled by unlivable economic circumstances that are worsened by rampant corruption and greed to squat and scavenge in foreign lands. They would rather be home with their families and friends than be away and missing, but a leadership disaster is their stumbling block.
They shattered the futures or prospects of most of the adult citizens, and if the rising cases of youth drug abuse by virtue of joblessness and redundancy are anything to go by, the future of the nation is being condemned into the doldrums of doom and gloom as if the citizens haven't endured enough hell and headaches of utter misrule and madness.
The critical and robust discussions should be on curing the malaise. The nation is endowed with abundant natural resources that hardly profit the majority of the ordinary citizens and the country, plus the youth.
The critical and robust focus should be on how to get rid of a stubborn leadership malady that has dogged the country since independence.
Anybody who seeks to initiate steps to amend the constitution so that the current president can run for a third term in the 2028 elections is selfish, unpatriotic and manic.
His final five-year term expires in 2028, yet some of his fanatic and fooling flunkies are urging him to go beyond 2028 with the help of a constitutional amendment and a public referendum. The weary and wise masses are outraged. He needs to continue ... destroying and keeping them in hell? What an insult!
Churches have warned him: refrain from committing a coup against the constitution.
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