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July 22, 2024

Wildness In My Heart

By Lydia Manx

Imperfectly etched features
Greet my waking days
Hauntings of my own past

Whispering to my soul
A reaching from another
Both hidden within our masks

Seldom do I question
The Wildness of my heart
Yet often I wonder

Differences that make me
the person I pretend and
in darkness to ponder

This is who I am
Regardless of what I choose
Random synapses firing
Make me this way

Nature has such a design
who am I to fight it?
Senseless violence of our species
echoes of primal paths

Rather than rebelling nature
I nurture who I am
fighting the scheme planned
Relishing the uniqueness

We are all patterns
Some not so carefully plotted
other chaotic - like me
But this is who I am

Originally appeared 2005-08-01

Article © Lydia Manx. All rights reserved.
Published on 2015-05-11
Image(s) are public domain.
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