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July 22, 2024


By Holly Jahangiri

Tiny cat hairs grace my pillow.
I caught her! I'm tempted to laugh.
But one look from Sheba and I
Decide that life's too short as is.

Sunlight bathes her. She licks a paw.
She looks at me as if to say,
"Yeah? What's it to you?" I DON'T laugh.
I do my best to ignore her.

Dignity recovered, Sheba
Pounces on my face, hungrily.
I hasten to make us breakfast.
I like my face the way it is.

Perverse cat. I want to hug her,
But, oh no--she'll have none of that!
It's my bunny slippers she loves.
And my view of Clancy's birdbath.

But sometimes, in the cool evenings,
When there's no one 'round to torture
(Like a mouse) she will warm my lap
And purr, low, as if she means it.

Article © Holly Jahangiri. All rights reserved.
Published on 2005-08-15
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