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December 09, 2024

Minor Details

By Cherry Kelly

It was just a minor detail, no cause for them to leave the door standing open - and all that dust. One would think for the price paid that people would have just a little more courtesy. After all we offered the finest B&B services -- seclusion -- clean beaches with doors opening to the beach front -- 24 hour services for coming or going -- to meet the exclusive if somewhat eccentric clientele. Our sunset views were reputed to be the most spectacular of all the western coast areas. Oh yes, of course we were a bit more expensive than those tourist resorts down the coast, but they didn't offer the amenities we provided. Where else could you find totally exclusive and private cottages to meet individual requirements? Nowhere -- I can assure you of that much.

Such a mess -- one would think that a doctor of all people would not be such a messy person, and him with his new bride. Of course it was understandable that they would need access at a late night hour -- after all it was their honeymoon.

And all the details of the letter -- hadn't we followed them to the very smallest of comforts required? Now this -- leaving without notice, and leaving the door standing wide open -- all that dust piled up inside the doorway -- well one can never tell about SOME people.

Well that's that -- the maid will change the linens. Hmm, now let's see -- oh my, well we will just have to send the stuff back to his home address. Why would anyone leave such fine clothes behind, anyway?

Oh my look at the time -- I'll just have to get extra help here to get things ready for tonight's couple. Oh dear -- that isn't the right time. Goodness -- that maid -- she never could remember to turn the clock BACKWARDS to standard time -- it is two hours fast.

HMM -- well let me see if I have his address correctly Dr. A. Cula - - -

Article © Cherry Kelly. All rights reserved.
Published on 2005-10-31
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