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July 22, 2024

Eggnog Season

By Cheryl Haimann

Eggs, milk, vanilla, and sugar

Garnished with (of all things)


Nutmeg, it is

Only around for a couple of months, so

Get some before January and

Forget the calories. It's a beverage

Reviled by some, but loved by

Others who were served the best by their

Mothers. Few will admit they have

Acquired taste for the creamy drink,

Even without a splash of brandy. We don't

Drink it ourselves, but Uncle Bill likes it

Added to his coffee, and it is an

Ingredient in a recipe I found, so I

Really need a quart or two the next time

You go to the store.

Article © Cheryl Haimann. All rights reserved.
Published on 2005-12-12
1 Reader Comments
07:17:45 PM
its soo good
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