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July 22, 2024

When Reality Bites

By Monique Jetton

How to tell you have been bitten in the butt by reality...

  • Your roommate tells you some guy slept in your house while you were on vacation.
  • Your car leaves you stranded at the mall.
  • Your best friend from High School calls and sets you up with a guy in other state.
  • A friends EX is stalking her and you have to give intervention.
  • You had to plan your own birthday party and cancel it at the last minute to deal with life.
  • All in all life is good and you decide even though you left for a while its good to be home and love. I would not have wanted to miss any of this. Besides everyone needs to feel loved and needed. I guess we don't see that when it is happening but when you look back it's there. Lastly, you know you lead a sad life when you have a two hour converstaion with the cable sales guy. But in the end every little bit counts! How else are you supposed to find Mr. Right? But that is a whole other subject and right now I am just settling for close encounters.

Article © Monique Jetton. All rights reserved.
Published on 2002-06-28
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