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July 22, 2024

Teetering on the Edge

By Cheryl Haimann

I was looking for sensible,
subdued, and reliable,
but there you were--

so tall it made me dizzy
and perfectly polished.
I sighed, smiling, at your every detail.

I knew what you would cost me, and
I knew I must possess you.

The first time we danced,
we moved as if we had
always been one.
You caressed me
as if you knew
the precise shape
of every bone and sinew.

I'd go with you anywhere,
but I can't let you carry me away.
One misstep, and
your slender perfection
will shatter me.

No one will suspect that
you caused my demise.
They won't need you as I did,
and you won't complete them
as you completed me.

Article © Cheryl Haimann. All rights reserved.
Published on 2011-04-25
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