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February 03, 2025

Writing Contests July 2006

By Monica Poling

Writing contests are a great way for many fiction and poetry writers to get their work noticed by the literary community. The following is a list of writing contests with July deadlines, including short story contests, essay contests and/or poetry contests from writing organizations around the world.

July 1, 2006

The Muriel Craft Bailey Memorial Award
Fee: $3; Award: $1,000 & publication
Poetry (40 lines, max.; unpublished)

Verb Fiction Contest
Fee: $15; Award: $1,000 & publication
Short Fiction (5,000 words, max.; unpublished)

July 15, 2006

Finishing Line Press Open Chapbook Competition
Fee: $15; Award: $1,000 & publication
Poetry Chapbook (26 pages, max)

Glimmer Train's Fiction Open
Fee: $15; Award: $2,000 & publication
Book-length manuscript (unpublished)

John Spencer Hill Fiction Award
Fee: $10 CDN; Award: $500 CDN & publication
Short Fiction (2,500 words, max; unpublished)

Second Annual Camber Press Poetry Chapbook Award
Fee: $15; Award: $1,000 and publication
Poetry Chapbook (24 pages, max)

July 19, 2006

Literal Latte Poetry Awards
Fee: $10; Award: $1,000 publication
Poetry (2,000 words max; unpublished)

July 25, 2006

One Hundred and One Words, lichen literary journal
Fee: $20; Award: $300 (CDN)
Short Fiction (101 words, max., unpublished)

July 30, 2006

The 2006 Virginia Brendemuehl Prize
Fee: $10; Award: $1,000 & publication
Poetry (3 poems, max; unpublished)

July 31, 2006

OnceWritten.com Writing Prompt Contest
Fee: $5; Award: $100
Contest Type: Short-short fiction

Dreamquestone.com Poetry Contest
Fee: $5; Award: $250 & publication
Poetry (30 lines, max.)

Dreamquestone.com Writing Contest
Fee: $10; Award: $500 & publication
Short Fiction (5 pages, max.)

Glimmer Train's Very Short Fiction Award
Fee: $10; Award: $1,200 & publication
Fiction (2,000 words, max.; unpublished)

Sean O'Faolain Short Story Competition
Fee: $15 (US); Award: 1,500 (Euros) & publication
Short stories (3,000 words, max; unpublished)"

These contest listings are provided courtesy of Monica Poling, editor of OnceWritten.com, a website focused on the works of new and emerging authors. For more contest listings, visit www.oncewritten.com/WritingContests.php

Article © Monica Poling. All rights reserved.
Published on 2006-07-03
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