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July 22, 2024

Peek of the Week 073

By Alexandra Queen

Antique crystal from McHenry Mansion in Modesto, California

McHenry Mansion, Modesto CA. This was an item from the dining room the docent referred to as a ... garnish? Fetish? Burnish? Bling-bling? The point was that it was utterly and completely ornamental. It was also a lovely garnet hue and has so many crevices to collect dust, I could hear the sound echoing down through the years of the veins throbbing in the foreheads of the hired help.

**Do you have a photo or piece of art you'd like to see in "Peek of the Week?" If so, send your photo or file (unreduced) to peek@pikerpress.com. Please include what kind of camera was used, and a brief description of the picture, as well as your name and email address.

Article © Alexandra Queen. All rights reserved.
Published on 2006-12-25
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