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July 22, 2024

Online Dating

By Monique Jetton

Being single in a couples' world is the pits but I must admit sometimes you see the weirdest couple combinations. In earlier issues I discussed the do's and dont's to dating, but a new revolution has taken the world by storm -- Online Dating.

There are so many questions that I had, so I decided to try it. I filled out a free profile and got all set up. I was surprised -- quite a few people emailed me. They were general questions, you know the akward "getting to know you" stage. Well, that was December. A few wrote and we corresponded for a while. Well, now I only talk with one and we went out for dinner that was about January. So, I guess you can say my online dating experience was dull. I still get my matches emailed to me but since I am not willing to pay $29.95, I have to wait for them to email me.

Oh, well... I guess my only other option is the online chat rooms for singles where all the weirdos hang out. I met a guy who was in jail and doing 10 years. NOT!!! I don't get it. Where do these people come from? How did they get hold of a computer? I guess the other one that I thought was weird was a cop from NY trying to get some cyber sex. I must go on the record as saying this is not for me, but when he started in and I found out he was a cop, that scared me. I kept thinking, "Ohh no, now I am going to be in their database or used in a sting opperation." Like anything you do, you need to be careful. So, I guess I get to try the old fashioned way. Yep, as soon as I figure out what the old fashioned way is....

Article © Monique Jetton. All rights reserved.
Published on 2002-05-20
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