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December 09, 2024

Websurfing: Zombie Attack!

By Cheryl Haimann

There was a time when your first encounter with a zombie was likely your last. Luckily, in the almost forty years since George Romero exposed most of us to zombies with Night Of The Living Dead, much has been written, and filmed, to educate you about zombies.

Of course, viewing the movie is de rigueur, and following along with the annotated script makes it even more informative. It pleases me no end to discover that my favorite line from NOTLD, "Yeah, they're dead. They're all messed up," is now available on an apron.

Once you have familiarized yourself with NOTLD, head over to Zombierama for an extensive list of reviews of zombie movies, as well as games, poetry, and other pontifications.

The bible of print zombie lore is The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. This book includes extensive information about the history and biology of zombies, as well as tips for surviving a zombie attack.

Just as one should always be prepared for survival during natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornados, one should also be prepared for zombies. Rather than purchase an expensive zombie survival kit, why not make your own End of Days Kit, customizing it to your own preferences? Even if you don't knit, though, include the knitting needles. You never know when you will need a pointed metal stick. One might also consider donning zombie makeup in order to blend in with, and possibly elude, the undead.

What would be worse than a zombie attack? Zombies and vampires! Fortunately, the Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency has your back, with information about famous zombie/vampire cases, preferred weapons, and much more.

Of course, zombies have their artistic side, too. Michael Jackson's Thriller showed the world that sometimes the undead just want to dance. In fact, the whole world seems to want to dance like zombies, including brides and grooms, Filipino prisoners, and Legos.

Article © Cheryl Haimann. All rights reserved.
Published on 2007-10-29
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