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July 22, 2024


By Jason McCammond

Broken dusty-eyed dolls search through empty boxes desperately looking for the youth they once had lost...

time long ago took the love they once had shared with some little girl away from them driving them to the point of true madness...

this madness now grows and pulls their small fluff filled minds even further from reality and more towards pain...

one would think that a doll so small and cute would never be able to have such thoughts but there laying in the bottom of a cold dark closet or under a bed their lives have become the product of so many jelly stains...

and so much neglect...

like with any other simple mind pain turns...

first the pain turns to anger...

then anger to hate...

hate to murder...

the dolls leave their dark spaces and venture into the light...

they have but one thought left in the madness...

to find that little girl who started it all.

Originally appeared 2002-11-18.

Article © Jason McCammond. All rights reserved.
Published on 2015-04-27
Image(s) are public domain.
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