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July 22, 2024

Diving At Midnight

By Tyler Willson

My feet poised on the brink
Toes grip the crumbling edge
Flickering firelight paints my picture on the water.
A gentle breeze chills my bare skin,
My stomach clenches at the height,
My head spins at the danger.
Legs tense, bend, spring!
And I am free.
Free from gravity
Slipping off those surly bonds
I have freed myself from worry and care.
Falling through blackness ...
Then ...
Water envelops me,
Steals my breath.
I struggle to the surface
My lungs sobbing for breath
Lights exploding in my brain.
I know I'll never make it
I've just gone too deep.
The world begins to dissolve around me
When I rediscover
The night reappears
Stars, moon, earth, fire
I swim to the bank,
grasp a helping hand,
climb to the top again, and pause ...
My feet poised on the brink.
Article © Tyler Willson. All rights reserved.
Published on 2009-06-01
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