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July 22, 2024

Imagining You

By Dan Mulhollen

In my mind I can see you
there alone working,
and can imagine myself
like you
assisting as well as I can.

It is a strange bond between us,
making me want
making me want to try
making me something more
than I now am.

And I consider these past few years.
Change and improvement,
achievements I once doubted possible.
You are the catalyst
pushing me forward
toward so many of these goals.

Can this continue?
There are still so much,
from small, silly wishes
to bold dreams

And so I wait
seeing what is,
so many miles away,
and dreaming of what might be,
when we can work together.

Article © Dan Mulhollen. All rights reserved.
Published on 2009-05-11
1 Reader Comments
loka lawrence.l
08:42:30 AM
wonderful ,this is superb.thanks again
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