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July 22, 2024

The Voice of Despair

By April A.

The Voice Of Despair

Triangles of half-open doors
Reveal all the truth that is hidden:
Just condoms and cans on the floor,
Black papers with verses, forbidden -
Unfinished remakes of the song,
Deprived of the right to speak loud
Of wicked intentions gone wrong -
Erasers have muffled the shout.

The only illusion-proof mind -
A poet, the voice of despair,
Sincere, the one of this kind
Throws verses far into the air
Right there, in a dirty old flat
Among once great talents, now rotten.
They all have deserved more than that,
But even their names are forgotten.

You can find out more about April A. through her creative works here.

Article © April A.. All rights reserved.
Published on 2010-11-22
1 Reader Comments
Steven Servis
11:33:03 AM
I like the line "Just condoms and cans on the floor".A great image.
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