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July 22, 2024

Talking About Dreams

By Dan Mulhollen

Talking About Dreams

"Describe," she said, your dreams about me."
"A sharing of affection," I said, softly.
"Your head on my shoulder, my hand stroking your hair.
A gentle moment that all too quickly slips away".

"And sex?" she asked.
"I should think so," I replied.
"The merging of humanities;
Beautiful and life-affirming,
and fun."

Then I noticed sadness in her eyes.
Not a reprieve from the hopelessness of the situation,
But an acknowledgement that we both are familiar
with the pain of unrequited love.

I wanted to hug her,
But simply gave a friendly nod;
Realizing the twists of fate that brought us together,
yet keep us forever apart.

Article © Dan Mulhollen. All rights reserved.
Published on 2011-01-10
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