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July 22, 2024

When the Librarian Comes Calling

By Geosi Gyasi

This library;
Where every page
Lives under cover
Inside a wooden shelf
I leaf through a book
Page after page,
Until the day comes to a close
When the librarian comes
Calling, "it is time!"
what would you do
if you found yourself
at the last page when
the librarian comes calling?

Geosi Gyasi is a librarian, book blogger, reader, writer, and interviewer. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Visual Verse, Verse-Virtual, The New Black Magazine, Afrikana.ng, Misty Review, Nigerians Talk, African Writer, Kalahari Review, Silver Birch, Linden Avenue, Brittle Paper and elsewhere. He blogs at Geosi Reads: A World of Literary Pieces.

Article © Geosi Gyasi. All rights reserved.
Published on 2015-10-12
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