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July 22, 2024


By Abigail George

We have both been
Getting on in years.
It has been years since we
Have revisited that day
At the beach. The argument.
As if the words that
Were said between us
Were children that
Have been sitting in
Alone zones all these
Years gone by. You left
Angry and I was upset.
We have not spoken since.
The silence treatment
Has built a brick wall
Between the both of us.
The health of sweat, blood,
Joy and tears. You know all
Of the above. You sing
Arias like an angel. You sing
Opera in tune with a kind
Of angelic choir design.
There is a country made
Of ice cream there. There is
Meat tea in your voice.
A kind of broth that I could
Go on eating forever.

Article © Abigail George. All rights reserved.
Published on 2016-01-25
Image(s) © Sand Pilarski. All rights reserved.
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