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July 22, 2024


By Samantha Terrell

I do believe,
by happenstance
(and quite because of
my own selfish greed, I'm sure), that life is but a
mirage of sorts, seeming to grant us control of a situation,
when actually, though it counters intuition,

we're really only ever offered awareness ...
and just enough,
to cause the questioning soul in us to stir; and when it does,
we can vaguely see, the human mind's
a most unusual kind
which leads us to believe
we control certain deeds;

and as a matter of fact, I did just write this sentence!
and yet,
I can spare myself regret,
in that to lose and to gain,
though they hardly seem at all the same,
can be likened to exactly that,
in the eyes of the omni-present.

Samantha Terrell is a published poet who lives near Springfield, Missouri with her husband and two sons. She has been honored to find homes for her work in such reputable publications as: Dissident Voice (online), Knot Magazine (online), LaBloga Floricanto (online), DoveTales by Writing for Peace (Colorado), the Ebola chapbook by West Chester University (Pennsylvania), and others. Educated in the field of Sociology, much of her work reflects the social and philosophical values she holds dear. See more at: poetrybysamantha.weebly.com

Article © Samantha Terrell. All rights reserved.
Published on 2015-12-21
Image(s) © Sand Pilarski. All rights reserved.
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