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July 22, 2024

Dandelion Seed

By Lynn White

There's a dandelion seed
caught in your hair.
A fluffy wisp of white and grey
hanging there,
in your frothy crown.
A shimmering seed held
like a star in a wiry halo
made by the light.

Blow it away.

Perhaps you will,
if I tell you it's there.

Blow it away.

But it looks so beautiful
suspended there.
I won't tell you.
I'll just admire it's beauty
as it hangs
in your hair.

Blow it away.

No, I won't.
It will leave soon enough.
Best not to rush these things.
Who knows where
they will end up

after all.

First published by Harbinger Asylum, To Hold A Moment Still Anthology, December, 2014

Article © Lynn White. All rights reserved.
Published on 2016-04-11
Image(s) are public domain.
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