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July 22, 2024

The Drifter

By Michael Lee Johnson

The drifter in the room is a stranger,
he is crazy, is Bigfoot with deer moccasins on --
monster of condominium rooms and dreams.
The drifter in this room used to be my friend.
He spoke straight sentences, they did not sound like poetry --
reverberated like a narrative, special lines good a few bad,
or stories being unwound by the tongue of a gentleman,
lip service, juggler of simple words to children.
The night is a dark believer in drifters,
they sound sober, affairs with the wind,
the 3 A.M. honking of the Metro trains.
Everything sleeps with a love, a nightmare at night.
The drifter.

Article © Michael Lee Johnson. All rights reserved.
Published on 2016-04-25
Image(s) are public domain.
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