Poet Jimmy becomes
Run-of-the-Mill Jimmy
when he works on his
magnum opus:
A History of Philosophy.
But I doubt his opus is really
as magnum as he claims it is.
It sounds to me like an example
of typical male braggadocio,
so Run-of-the-Mill Jimmy probably
has a Run-of-the-Mill opus
as far as opuses go
(or should I say as far as opi go?),
but I don't know
since I haven't seen everyone's opus,
and who cares anyway
since magnumness
is vastly overrated
and just because my opus
is magnificently magnum,
who am I to be critical of those
who are not so well endowed
when their opus may be
just as effective as my opus.
So there he is,
Run-of-the-Mill Jimmy,
he of the supposedly magnum opus,
typing away at something
that no one will ever really
give a shit about
in the always
08:08:42 AM