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February 03, 2025

Neckcracker Suite

By Mark Antony Rossi

I needed my neck adjusted much more than a homeless hooker from Honduras. It was Hey we historic blew out dorks in Kingsland for part 2 years damaged yesterday by a dumbass in an expensive sedan. She might as well been a hooligan from Hoboken because she cursed and agonized over her car while I was trapped in mine bleeding and dizzy because the air bag didn't deploy.

I had no energy for violet outbursts all I could think about was calling my wife. But my signal was crappier than this bitch's driving and my body ached from the impact of a car slamming into me at 75 miles an hour. My glasses flew off somewhere and my satellite radio had another GD commercial. (Why the hell am I paying for radio anyhow?)

Hours later the tow truck dropped off an omelette that used to be an auto at the dealership and my wife picked me up. She spoke of luck and grace since I had two small boys at home. And I was not ungrateful but couldn't stop thinking about the four payments remaining on the car loan. I was almost debt free. Now I needed a chiropractor, a lawyer and a new car. None free. None without fault. Hard to feel blessed with blood clots and big bills but my wife is right.

Article © Mark Antony Rossi. All rights reserved.
Published on 2016-06-20
Image(s) are public domain.
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