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October 21, 2024

Resolutions for 2004

By Monique Jetton

With the New Year upon us it seems everyone is making resolutions. This year I am finally going to finish this project, lose weight, spend more time with the (kids, spouse, significant other, etc.) For the first couple of months we all work hard to keep the resolution. The weight loss programs, the promises to spend more time with our loved ones ... And then life happens.

We start back to the old routine, work longer hours for the extra money, meet or hang out with the buddies, and miss spending time with our loved ones. We try and rationalize it to make it seem better in our own minds, forgetting that the money may sound good to us but the people around us are suffering, along with ourselves, by us missing the important times. The new car, toys, or diamonds are nice but they are only physical things. The gift of yourself and time is more precious.

A survey in one of my classes was conducted and this question was asked of spouses and those who had children: "What is one thing I can give you that is not physical?" All of the responses from spouse and the children it were requests of more time. Each wanted more one-on-one time with each other. We get so wrapped up in the physical aspect of life we forget about the most precious gift of all, ourselves. Take a chance, sit down and talk.

Stop waiting for life to include you because right now it's passing you by. Express yourself. Enjoy some of the freedom we all take for granted. Don't make promises that you know you will not keep. Take time out of the day/week/month to do something out of the ordinary. (If you're in an office environment, randomly page people and hang up) Watch other people. (Sometimes you may notice parts of yourself in others' behavior, how they rush here and there, spending time with kids.) Trust your friends' advice: ask out that girl/guy you have been eyeing for sometime, and just maybe blue is not your color.

But above all keep the promises/goals you have set for yourself. It does not matter how long it takes to accomplish your goals that you have set. So it takes you 25 years. At least you accomplished something and you can feel good about it.

Make short and long term goals for yourself that are achievable. Weight will always fluctuate, work will always be there when you get in the next day, the news will always be depressing, the sun will rise again the next day (unless cloudy). These are some things you can always count on. So for this year make a resolution to give more of your self, smile at everyone you pass (it does make a difference), get to know someone other then your circle of friends, spend more time with loved ones, do random acts of kindness all year around, and above all have fun doing it.

May you have a Happy New Year filled with a bright future full of excitement and opportunities, and do not let them pass you by but hold on no matter how bumpy the road might be.

Article © Monique Jetton. All rights reserved.
Published on 2004-01-03
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