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July 22, 2024

As Miracles Pour from the Skies

By Scott Thomas Outlar

As Miracles Pour from the Sky

Let there be a chalice filled
with melted honey
from a golden hive
to drip upon the wanton tongues
of lovers who long
for peace to reign upon the land.

Let there be a buzz from bees
that crown the Queen
in a holy coronation
as Mother Earth is praised
with a grand parade
across the seven shining seas.

Let there be a sky that cries
with the glorious sound
of a children's choir
as their innocence pulls
upon the strings of heaven
to release the rains of hope.

(Originally appeared in Dissident Voice)

Article © Scott Thomas Outlar. All rights reserved.
Published on 2016-12-26
Image(s) are public domain.
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