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July 22, 2024

Odd Shaded Sky

By Ken Allan Dronsfield

Odd Shaded Sky

the sky was an odd shaded blue
moon hidden deep in violet clouds
opulent silver rain cascaded down,
down as autumn leaves waltzing
striking notes on the old tin roof
like snare drums in the open sky
frogs and earthworms on the drive
the robins feast and bounce about
November rains are moving away
soon all will be a whitened blanket.
feisty blue jays check the feeder
as do my two curious house cats
teapot whistles, and so shall I as
the cockatiel just sits and stares
pondering this odd guy under a
shaded blue sky in violet clouds.

Article © Ken Allan Dronsfield. All rights reserved.
Published on 2017-11-06
Image(s) are public domain.
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